Sumit Pathak

Sumit Pathak

Sumit Pathak

Greater Noida,India
B.Tech(CSE) 3rd year(2021-25)
Pre Final Year CSE domain student | Technical Head at Gfg NIET | Web Development Lead in Google NIET Club


Full Stack Development

React.js Nextjs Nodejs Java Django Flutter React native

Machine Learning

PyTorch SciKit-Learn Pandas opencv Matplotlib


MySQL Oracle MongoDB

Programming Languages

Python Java C/C++ Javascript

Development Tools

Linux(Kali/Ubantu) Xampp Git Bash Figma PostMan


Backend Engineer

(Jan 2023 - July 2023)

Contract-based Web Development project for club management at NIET.
  • Designed the system architecture and bootstrapped both front-end and back-end codebases
  • Helped with system design by collaborating with front-end developer
  • Worked on the back-end (node.js micro-service architecture with an Express framework, s3 bucker, mongoDB), front-end (EJS, CSS).


Coding Profile

  • Achieved India Rank 231 in BiWeekly Contest 122 with maximum rating 1591 and top 22% rank.
  • Attained proficiency with 5-star ⭐ Python badges , 3-star C++ and 2-star DSA, showcasing versatile programming skills.
  • Google Jam 2022 All Round and Round 1 qualified
  • HackSquad 2022 - 200+ PR created with sry team


Made By Sumit Pathak